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Checklist for buying clothes

If you've had a colour consultation you'll now know what colours to look for (and which ones to ignore) when shopping, which is so helpful! However there are still other important factors to consider, especially if you want to avoid having yet another item of clothing you don't reach for, and instead want to create a more sustainable wardrobe that lasts you for years to come.

So here's a quick checklist of questions to ask yourself next time you're deciding whether to buy an item of clothing:

  1. Does it suit me (colour & style)?

  2. Do I like it?

  3. Does it fit?

  4. Do I feel comfortable in it - both physically (fabric, fit) and psychologically?

  5. Does it suit my lifestyle, i.e. where/when would I wear this?

  6. Is the quality good enough for its intended purpose?

  7. Do I already have something like this? If so, would this be a better replacement? Or is it something I wear so much that it would be good to have a duplicate?

  8. Have I bought something like this before, only to get rid of it? If so, how would this be better?

  9. Can I already make outfits with this from what’s in my wardrobe? And if not, do I know what I would need to get in order create a full outfit - and do I want to?

  10. What are the care instructions and is this something I'm happy to do?

  11. Do I need it or just want it? (Does it fill a gap in my wardrobe or is it more of a nice to have?) If it's just a want, will the usage justify the cost?

This might be a lot to think about when you're out shopping, so don't hesitate to take your time if you're not sure about something - or take it home and consider the above before deciding to keep it.

And if you do end up buying something but down the line realise it's not right for you, don't beat yourself up! Learn from it and ask yourself what was it that didn't work for you, and use that information when you're shopping again to help avoid making the same mistakes in the future.


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