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New! Colour service update

At Colours with Confidence I am always looking for ways to update and improve the service I offer, so that I can provide colour analysis that truly works for people in real life. And I have come to realise that different approaches seem to work best for different people.

The Custom Colour Consultation provides a range of colours that work with your unique colouring, and is also tailored to your personality and style preferences. As this has become a more lengthy process (being the perfectionist that I am and wanting to get it just right for you!) I have changed the price to reflect this, while trying to keep it as affordable as I can.

But I am pleased to announce a brand new service: the Seasonal Colour Consultation! This uses the traditional season colour approach as a basis, which provides an instantly harmonious colour palette, but of course we personalise it to you - finding your best "end" of the palette with your best colours & neutrals. The session lasts 1.5-2 hours and is £100, so it's a great option for those wanting a simpler approach to shopping and mix & matching within your wardrobe, as well as freedom to use a broader range of colours as you wish.

If you would like to find out more about these options or need help choosing, please get in touch and I would be more than happy to advise! Or you can use the contact form to book in a consultation and let me know which you one would like to do.

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